Case Manager Profile

Emily Anderson, LMFT
Family Support Case Manager

Case Manager Bio

Emily Anderson is a dedicated professional with a passion for helping families in need. With over a decade of experience as a case manager, she has honed her expertise in managing a family support program at Omnis Recovery and Health. Emily's unwavering commitment to supporting individuals and families through challenging times has earned her a reputation for compassion and effectiveness in her field.

Her strong leadership skills and in-depth knowledge of social services have allowed her to create and implement innovative programs that address the diverse needs of her clients. Emily's ability to connect with people on a personal level and provide them with the necessary resources and guidance has made a significant impact on the lives of countless families under her care.

Beyond her professional achievements, Emily is deeply involved in community outreach, advocating for the importance of mental health support and family well-being. Her dedication to improving the lives of others has made her an invaluable asset to Omnis Recovery and Health, and a beacon of hope for families seeking assistance and guidance.

Case Manager Events

Are you recently finding it difficult to get along with others? Is there a relationship that diminishes your happiness? This could be with a co-worker, supervisor, spouse, etc. The relationship drains your peace at the least and prevents your own personal growth at the worst.

2023-09-28 Extended Treatment

Communication and understanding are key in resolving conflict, whether at work or at home. Gain valuable insight and tools on how to effectively resolve conflicts that we inevitably face in life.

2023-10-12 Family Support

Family Support Education   Start the week off with this informational session that explores the unique challenges faced by women in recovery and how to best support them.

2023-12-11 Family Support