Case Manager Profile

Isaiah Robinson, MSW
Family Therapist & Case Manager

Case Manager Bio

Isaiah Robinson is a highly accomplished professional with a Masters in Social Work, boasting a remarkable career of over 15 years in the field of family therapy. His expertise lies in supporting and guiding young adults facing substance abuse issues as they transition back into their families after treatment. With a compassionate and skillful approach, Isaiah helps bridge the gaps in communication and understanding, fostering healing and reintegration within families. Through his unwavering commitment to his clients' well-being, he continues to make a profound impact in their lives, offering a path to recovery and sustainable change.

Case Manager Events

Families and family systems often need support and guidance when a member is in active addiction or in recovery from substance use.

2023-09-19 Family Support

Communication and understanding are key in resolving conflict, whether at work or at home. Gain valuable insight and tools on how to effectively resolve conflicts that we inevitably face in life.

2023-10-12 Family Support

Saturday morning coffee break for caregivers of all types, as we all need support as well!

2023-10-25 Family Support