Case Manager Profile

Mason Mitchell
Peer Support Coordinator & Case Manager

Case Manager Bio

Mason Mitchell is a passionate traveler, always seeking new adventures and experiences around the globe. In addition to his wanderlust, he is deeply committed to helping others, currently serving as the manager of the peer support program at Omnis Health & Recovery. Mason's compassionate nature shines through as he leads the daily morning meditation meetings, fostering a sense of calm and positivity among the participants. When he's not exploring the world or lending a helping hand, you'll often find Mason immersed in a good book, savoring the knowledge and inspiration found within its pages.

Case Manager Events

We all experience painful events in our lives. This group helps provide tools to deal with grief and pain in healthy ways.

2023-10-18 Extended Treatment

Are you recently finding it difficult to get along with others? Is there a relationship that diminishes your happiness? This could be with a co-worker, supervisor, spouse, etc. The relationship drains your peace at the least and prevents your own personal growth at the worst.

2023-09-28 Extended Treatment

Transforming Anger is a weekly group designed to support individuals on their journey of self-discovery and growth. Our participatory, reflective, and self-evaluative approach allows members to explore the underlying causes of their anger and develop practical tools and strategies for managing it. Through experiential exercises, group discussions, and personal reflection, members will gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their emotional responses and learn to cultivate greater emotional regulation and resilience. Join us on this transformative journey towards improved well-being and more fulfilling relationships.

2023-09-08 Extended Treatment

Saturday morning coffee break for caregivers of all types, as we all need support as well!

2023-10-25 Family Support